Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem
Today, Israel goes back to the polls for a historic second time in one year. It's not great history, but it's history just the same.
Back in the spring of this year, Bibi Netanyahu was unable to successfully form the government and forced to call a second election. This time we pray for a result that is good for the country of Israel and that is in line with the will of Almighty God. So be it.

Praying for Israel and for the peace of Jerusalem is something we all seem to know we should do. After all, Psalm 122:6, 7 says it.
Back in the spring of this year, Bibi Netanyahu was unable to successfully form the government and forced to call a second election. This time we pray for a result that is good for the country of Israel and that is in line with the will of Almighty God. So be it.

Praying for Israel and for the peace of Jerusalem is something we all seem to know we should do. After all, Psalm 122:6, 7 says it.
"Pray for the peace of Jerusalem: “May those who love you be secure. May there be peace within your walls and security within your citadels.”
But how do we do it? And is it something we should do based on this verse alone, or are there other Biblical precedents? If you want to find out the answers to these questions, I encourage you to buy my ebook, "Praying for the Peace of Jerusalem." It is an easy read and will help you to put into context the reasons why God still has a heart for Israel and why we should pray for Israel and the peace of Jerusalem as part of our regular routine.
You can get it by clicking the image above and to the right. Proceeds go to help Christian and Messianic ministries in Israel.